The Romans had become more unkind and the children of Israel had louder wails for the promised Messiah. Oh, that he would come in their own time. Herod grew worse as the day went by. The soldiers showed no mercy. The Jews were looked upon with contempt.
Once upon a time, they were guided strictly by laws that pronounced them unclean if they sojourned with the uncircumcised. How the tides had changed! Now, they lived by the laws of these foreigners in a land they once called home. A few others had stopped believing the Messiah story. But a devout few, hung on to every word proclaimed by Isaiah the Prophet, hoping for the One who would bear the government upon His shoulder.
Elizabeth glanced briefly as a soldier shoved a kinsman off his horse. Her heart bled with pain. She was glad when she was home in Judea with the sheep and goats bleating in the pen. Here in the town, her faith was tested and stretched.
Sometimes, she was tempted to wonder if the tales she had heard as a child were real. Had God really rescued their ancestors from the Pharaoh of Egypt? Had they conquered the great city of Jericho without lifting a pin? Of course, they had to be true. But why had God chosen to be silent?
Promise keeper.
It came subtly to her from the deep parts of her soul. It was a constant reminder that helped her leap over the obstacles in her mind. She recognized the voice and how gladdened her heart was that she could hear it in the midst of the chaos that plagued her heart.
God when will you come to the help of your people, Israel.
When will the prophesied Messiah show up on our scene?
This is when we need him, God.
“Elizabeth, something has happened to your husband.”
She felt weak to her bones as she thought the worst.
The men shifted from one foot to another as they struggled to relate the bad news.
“Is he– is he dead?”
“No!” Yohash spoke first. “We thought to tell you, to prepare you before he returned.”
“Stop speaking in parables, will you weary an elderly woman with your words?”
“We are sorry but we believe, it appears as though your husband had seen an angel.”
Elizabeth held her hand to her throat in horror. An angel? After several years of performing rituals without any sign of Shekinah, an angel shows up on the scene and appears to her husband? What was happening?
“…He had taken a long time in the temple than usual, and when he came out.. he could not say a word to us,” Nathan said.
What was this? What could have happened? Perhaps he would be able to tell her. Her husband could not possibly have become dumb.
As Elizabeth awaited her husband’s return, she thought deeply. Had her husband committed some sins? Or was he being punished for her doubts?
Lord, I am sorry for even doubting you in the first place. All the proof I need to know you are alive are all around me.
Need I ask when I see the sunrise in the morning, and the lilies of the field grow beautifully without anyone nurturing them?
She pounded her hands into the dough as she smothered it for the umpteenth time. She felt nostalgic as she recollected her mother teaching her how to make the unleavened bread. The skin on her finger bones wrinkled with each massage; the veins pretty obvious. But she never lost the strength.
Where had all the years gone? Wasn’t it just yesterday, when she was only a young maiden betrothed to her future husband? Now, she was learning to take long walks to prevent arthritis. But, wasn’t Moses just as old as she was when he was called by God to lead the children of Israel into the promised land? Had she any excuse not to serve?
She heard her husband cough and her heart jolted to reality. The truth was she was sore afraid. She was grateful that his life was spared. But what could John have done to have such punishment meted to him?
John sat quietly with thousands of thoughts roaring in his head. He wished he could tell his wife that their prayers, or rather, her prayers had been answered. Her prayers because he had stopped believing a long time ago. Hadn’t he once thought it ridiculous that his wife would believe that she would get pregnant at such an old age?
God was merciful. He had seen an angel of the Lord with his eyes, yet he lived. Even if he could speak, he would not be able to tell anyone what he had seen nor what the angel had said. He would be thought crazy. Yet, here he was, believing the same thing he had once doubted possible. It filled him with a deep sense of awe. He of all men, unworthy, had seen an angel of the Living God.
Was this what the Prophet Isaiah felt when he proclaimed, “Woe unto me, for I have seen the Lord, I am a man of unclean lips…”? Until that moment, he had wondered if his Levitical priesthood made any sense to God. He had wondered if the sacrifices they offered meant anything to a God who had been silent for over 600 years.
God forgive me! Spare my life for I have doubted you. I am choosing to believe you. Do not count my sins against me.
A few weeks later when he had gone for a walk in the fields, he met her trembling. Her eyes were awash with tears but she was not sad. He tried to speak but no words came out. With compassion, she hushed him and spoke kindly.
“The Lord has heard our prayers, my love. You have become a father.”
A father.
The words held a different kind of meaning for him. He had called a man father. He had called other people the same. And now, he was one. How he wished he could open up his mouth once more to give Yahweh praise. Despite his sins, God kept to his promise. he did not go back on his word.
“It feels funny. Our child is growing here on my inside. I feel beautiful. I feel like a miracle.”
“You are a miracle.” He wanted to say but his vocal cords failed him. A constant reminder of the episode that had happened at the Holy of Holies a few weeks ago.
“After all these years my love, I finally become a mother in my old age just like our Matriarch, Sarah.”
Four months into her pregnancy, Elizabeth started to feel embarrassed.
“John, I can no longer hide my pregnancy… and I felt somewhat shy carrying a bump at my age. It feels like a miracle, yet it feels crazy.” she let out what sounded like a sad laugh.
A fear lurched in her heart as she wondered how it would be when the time of delivery was here. However, she was amazed at how she got stronger every day. “May God grant me the strength of the Hebrew women when it is time.”
In her sixth month, it got more difficult to get things done around the house. As she thought of what to do, she looked up and saw a familiar person climb up the hill leading to their house.
It was her relative, Mary. It had been a long time she had seen her last in Judea. What news had the girl for her? Was she finally getting married to Joseph?
While she pondered upon these; the voice of Mary floated to her ears as she drew closer in greeting. And the baby within her moved. Suddenly, Elizabeth felt herself caught up in the same familiar wind, as she opened up her mouth to bless Mary:
“Blessed woman! You are blessed among other women. And blessed is the child you will bear.”
Mary held her mid-section, frozen with fear and excitement. Surely God had revealed this to her. But Elizabeth was not done.
“Why should this great thing happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to my house to pay me a visit?” Mary gasped as she saw her cousin’s bump. In tears, she rushed forward to embrace the elderly woman.
Elizabeth wiped her tears and held her shoulders firmly. “As soon as I heard your voice, the baby within me jumped with gladness. My dear Mary, you are blessed because you chose to believe the words of the Lord to you. You are blessed, my child!”

She nodded her head in agreement. Hadn’t she wondered why the angel had called her highly favoured? Wasn’t she in awe when she asked him how her pregnancy would be? Hadn’t she been grateful when Joseph changed his mind? With tears in her eyes she declared:
“My heart praises the Lord;
My soul is glad because of God my Saviour,
For her has remembered me, his lowly servant!
From now on people will call me blessed!”
Elizabeth danced with joy as she enjoyed the moment. God had indeed heard the cry of his people and he had chosen her and her family to be partakers. What a privilege!
He has brought down the mighty kings from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly.
He has kept the promise he made to our ancestors, and has come to the help of his servant Israel.
He has remembered to show mercy to Abraham and to all his descendants for ever.
Author’s note:
Hi friend! Thanks for reading. I have always been in awe of these women: Elizabeth and Mary. Although, ordinary people, they chose to believe and receive God’s gift and the responsibility that came with it. It definitely was no funny experience for Mary to bear a mysterious pregnancy, neither was it cool for Elizabeth to have a baby shower in old age (yeah, I’m kidding, but of course, you get the message).
This is the Christmas story: Christ was born to reign as king in the hearts of men. Many thought his coming meant the end to the reign of the Romans, but it was not. It was the end to the reign of the real enemies; satan and sin. This year, we will again enthrone his leadership in the hearts of men, by spreading the gospel and praying salvation upon the hearts of leaders. They must repent and bow their knees in surrender to the true Lord. And we as His children must be bold to take up new responsibilities that come with the new blessings handed down to us.
Merry Christmas!
This is sooo beautiful 😍😍 well written and I love how well you described the details.