Apostle Paul

Devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him. But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.

Acts 8:2-3

         How far are you willing to go for the sake of Christ?


  “Cheers!!!” George toasted and clinked the wine glass with Saul. Smiling, Saul sipped from the wine, then twirled the glass in his hand. He felt high and mighty, but of course, he was. Not only did he own this classy Penthouse on the hills of Jerusalem, whose street housed the important and highly influential few, making him one of them, but he was about to become a partner in the most prestigious Law firm in Israel. He could see it already, Saul of Tarsus from Cilicia. Lawyer and Partner of George and Co. Legal firm. All thanks to what happened on Friday…

   “The stakeholders of the firm were really impressed by your bold and courageous actions Saul. They said that you’re a person with high potential and possible benefit to the firm”. George said, looking at Saul from above the glass cup. ” I couldn’t agree less”

   “Thank you so much George. It would be an honour to be a contributor to a firm like yours”. Even as Saul said it calmly, it took a lot of energy not to jump up and punch the air.

   ” You know what I like about you, Saul?” George stretched his legs and dropped the glass on a stool. “You’re a go-getter. A high achiever. You have a bright future ahead of you my boy. What you single-handedly did to that rift raft – what was his name again?”


   “Impressive. A big example to those cults professing as Lord a person crucified as a criminal. That man was a big fake, that’s the true fact, my boy. Having the guts to say he was the Son of God!”

  “Resurrection and the Life!” It tasted bitter just saying it. If there was anything more than hate, it could classify exactly what Saul felt towards that Jesus of Nazareth. Good riddance to him! Now he just had to have followers who believed he died and rose again? It would be an ultimate pleasure to get rid of every one of them!

  “The nerve! They don’t even offer sacrifices anymore. Having the insolence to say that that man- that carpenter Nazareth man, washed every one of their sins and saved them. Oh that the Almighty would send fire down and burn them all to dust!” Saul couldn’t have said it better.

 George relaxed, smiled and stood up, “I better be on my way, Saul. Just wanted to drop by and praise your effort in upholding the great Law of our Lord.”

  Saul stood and shakes his hand, “Glad to have you, George. Thank you for the good words.”


   With the moon and stars shining brightly in the sky, small groups of people moved quickly but silently, headed to one destination.

   “Mummy I’m hungry. Are we there yet?” A curious toddler asked gripping his mother’s hand.

   “Ssh Gabriel!” His mother shushed him. A few minutes later, they got to the back door of a small house and Gabriel’s dad gave the secret knock, hitting the door twice, pausing for a beat then a final knock. Without hesitation, the door swung open and shut quickly after they had all entered.

  “Welcome brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ!” Simeon greeted cheerfully. He was the owner of the house in which they always gathered to fellowship together. He was a hardworking farmer with a sweet wife and two children, Josephine who was 16 and Claudius 5. His wife, Maggie, gathered the children to the kitchen table and shared snacks to them.

  “Peace be unto you!” He called out after they had all sat. Some sat on the available chairs, the rest got comfortable on the floor.

   “Peace be unto you!” They all replied, albeit quietly. Simeon raised his hands in the air, and as the others followed he raised a song, his eyes shut together. His heart picturing his Lord and King. It was an old Psalm of David.

   “Great is the Lord…greatly to be praised…In the city of our God…in the mountain of his holiness…”

   “…beautiful for situations…” Their voices melded together in quiet harmony. “..Joy of the whole earth…Is Mount Zion side of the north and city of the great King…”

  “..Is Mount Zion side of the north and city of the great King…” Tears poured down Simeon’s face as he fell to his face, lifting up adorations to the lord. He was not alone. Some sat with hands raised to the heavens, tears rolling down their cheeks, some knelt, some stood but all were worshipping. Stephen had been killed, and the numbers were increasing daily, but joy not fear swelled in their heart as the presence of the Lord filled the room. Prophecies began to break out, and Maggie quickly got her jotter and took it down. Tears streamed down Maggie’s face as she wrote the words pouring out from the Lord’s servants. But she knew. She knew deep within her that this was the day. She drew comfort that The Lord was with her. The Lord was with her family. Whatever happened next, the Lord would be glorified.

     Simeon stood moments later and preached to the people. He preached on standing up for the Faith no matter what. He preached on suffering and persecutions for the sake of Christ but not losing heart. Maggie smiled and wiped away another tear that fell. Her husband knew too. He knew, that this was the day. The Lord would be glorified.

    What happened next happened fast. Gabriel’s father, through his cell,  got a message that soldiers were on their way. Soldiers led by Saul. Quickly Simeon and Maggie gathered the children and led the people out through the back door. At the door, Gabriel’s mother stopped and hugged Maggie tight. Maggie felt the tears hitting her shoulders but focused on what Phoebe wanted to say.

   “The Lord would be glorified!” Phoebe said and Maggie almost fell to the floor if not for the tight grip of Phoebe’s hug.

   “Phoebe…” Her husband called her gently and with a final nod, Phoebe turned and followed her family into the dead of the night.

 Saul stormed the house, the soldiers behind him. After asking Simeon and Maggie if they were followers of Christ and getting positive affirmations, they were dragged away in no gentle manner.

Saul looked at the children as Claudius cried out bitterly, wriggling to be free from Josephine’s grip. With a sneer, He turned and left the house.

It was the day Simeon and Maggie were martyred for the cause of Christ.


    You read it! Could you see a glimpse of how Apostle Paul’s past life was? Can you lay it all for what you believe in? Let’s know in the comment section!

A current Political Science student at the University of Ibadan, I love God, love service and love growth. You can reach me on;


  1. Till we can say, I count all loss for the sake of Christ!
    LORD continue helping me

  2. Wow… can’t wait to read the next part!

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