Happy Easter!
Have you ever wondered about the real meaning of Easter?
Is Easter really worth celebrating?
Millions of people across the world ask these questions during Easter. Just in case you are in this category, this post will bring you answers that will help you understand the real significance of Easter celebration and why it is so important to Christians all over the world.
You will also learn or be reminded of some salient lessons that can be drawn from the Easter story and how it applies to your life in this day and time.
It’s going to be a great read! Stay glued till the end.
Let’s start up with a short recap. Shall we?
How did Easter all start?
It all started that glorious day when a star was born. Jesus Christ of Nazareth; the star that brought Easter. From the time he was born, a great star shone in the sky (Matthew 2:2). This marked the entry of a great star into the world that would light up the whole world.
It was not long before this star began to shine so bright. He became the light of the world that gives light to every man in the world. That light shone all the way to Calvary; he died, rose and swallowed up death in victory.

After he rose from the dead, he became the bright and Morning Star. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave brought about the celebration of Easter today as we know it.

Oh Yes! No Easter without the He-Star (Jesus). He obtained the victory for us through his death and resurrection. Through Jesus, we have the victory today. Because he lives, we can face tomorrow with an assurance of victory and success.
The season of Easter is a good time to lift our voices in thanksgiving to God. Even as you read this, take a minute or two to thank God for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. His death brought us life, his suffering brought us comfort, his stripes brought us healing, the cross was the big plus that cancelled all our debts and sins. THANK YOU, JESUS!
As we spend the rest of this season thanking God, there are a few lessons from the Easter story that will bring us hope and encouragement. The Easter story is one that stirs up hope every time it is told. As we take a closer look at these major lessons drawn from the death and resurrection of Jesus, hope will rise in you. As a result, your spirit will be stirred up to believe and receive from God no matter what challenges you face now.
Are you ready? Here’s the first lesson.
Many times, people think small occurrences have little effects while loud and earth-shaking occurrences have grand effects. This is not always true.
When we speak of events that have affected the whole world, many minds quickly go to the presidential election of the United States. Or a wedding as grand and majestic as the royal wedding in the United Kingdom.
But who could have thought that an event as unpopular and horrendous as the death of Jesus was the happening of all happenings that would change the world forever? As Jesus breathed his last, the whole of creation stood still as a colossus bowed in death. There was darkness and shaking in the land.
The world has never recovered from that incident that happened within just one weekend. From then on, men have been reconciled back to God and we can now be called the sons of God! All because of an event that no one perceived anything special about. The greatest miracle of all time happened in the most unspectacular and unattractive circumstances.
Do you know? The unspectacular circumstance around you can actually become a blessing to the world. Your personal dealings and troubles today can become a reference point of God’s miraculous power tomorrow.

You may think yourself to be small now, but small circumstances can change the world. Seemingly small people can change the world forever. If an occurrence of just one weekend could change the course of time and even eternity, your seemingly ordinary circumstances today will become a major blessing to others very soon.
That sorrowful Friday when Jesus died eventually became Good Friday- the day that symbolizes freedom, joy and gladness for us all.
Never forget: small events or people can cause a change in the world forever! Never look down on yourself.

Have you ever bought so many cheap stuffs on a black Friday?
The real black Friday was the Friday Jesus died. Trust me, you really would not wish to have been there. We celebrate it now but it was such a day of agony, pain, shame, mockery and tears at its highest for Jesus, his mother and his disciples.
Today the story is no longer the same. He who died rose again and he lives forever more. Hallelujah!
God brought a testament out of scars, nails and a cross that brought the whole world life and joy. The greatest pains of the man Jesus, becomes a touchpoint for the salvation of humanity.
No matter what you are going through now, if the death of Jesus could bring forth the joy and celebration we see today, God can turn your worst pains into your greatest blessing!

When we look back at the death of Jesus now, we don’t cry and sorrow. Why? He resurrected! Be patient with God as you go through those pains of yours now. Trust God as you go through it and know that he will bring a message out of it.
Later on, you will look back at the pains of the now, and you won’t feel any pain or hurt anymore. By then, God would have turned the situation around for your good.
Keep Calm! The resurrection day is coming!
Sounds familiar? If you have watched the popular Abattoir movie series by Mount Zion Faith ministries, you would be familiar with that.
Well, don’t get scared yet, your blood is safe. Let’s consider this verse of scripture:

The verse of scripture above affirms that if there is no death, there can’t be any fruitfulness whatsoever. In this scripture, Jesus was actually speaking of his own death symbolically with the illustration of a corn of wheat when planted.
Imagine what would have happened if Jesus did not die, the salvation of the whole world would have never seen the daylight. As painful as the death of Jesus was, there was great glory waiting for him on the other side of his death.
Before Jesus died, he was doing very great. He performed many miracles and signs nevertheless; he was still abiding alone. Even then, he was still God’s only begotten son. Other men could not be called the sons of God.
However, when Jesus died, the narrative was changed- he brought many sons into glory. Jesus reached his highest potential as a man only after he died. Till today, fruits are still rolling in by the sacrifice of the death of Jesus.
If Jesus is our perfect example as believers, then we must all go through this stage of the death that brings life and harvest someway. This doesn’t mean you have to drop dead, nonetheless, you will go through a process of death that will refine you and bring you out as God’s trophy to the world.
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
Matthew 16:25 (KJV)
For you to really hit your highest potential and die empty, you must go through the fire of God’s refining till you come out as Gold. Saving your life to yourself will not bear any fruit. The moment you “lose your life” then your fruit bearing has just begun.
Take your hands off the wheel and hand over your life to God. Give yourself away to him totally.
The concept of death being described here can be summed up in this- a dead man can’t control himself; he has to be carried about. This was what Jesus did just before he breathed his last on the cross.
“Jesus called out with a loud voice, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. When he said this, he breathed his last”
Luke 23:46 (NIV)
Jesus entrusted himself into God’s hands and you can tell that the Father brought the best out of his submission. Jesus did not only rise again but he gained a name that is bigger and greater than all other names (Philippians 2:10).
Will you just quit trying to run your own life? Only dead men can truly live. Your highest potential can only be hit at the point you submit yourself to God’s hands to be processed by him.
Surrender to him today!

While the death of Christ brought us justification and freedom, his resurrection gave us a new life.
Because Jesus lives, all things have become new to all those who are in him.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
II Corinthians 5:17 NKJV
No matter what kind of life you’ve had in the past, the moment you step into Jesus, your life becomes brand new. That’s why he died for you!
Jesus can give you a new life. He will take away all the hurts, pains and shame and give you double honour. Just give your life over to him. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour today. You will begin to experience a new life and your life will be transformed forever.
As a believer in Christ, have you been experiencing this newness or you are still struggling in different areas of life? Don’t settle for less! Keep insisting on seeing every element of the new life you have received from Jesus in your life physically.
May the death and resurrection of Jesus not be in vain over our lives in Jesus name. What does Easter signify to you? What lessons have you learnt from the Easter story? We will love to hear from you in the comment section.
From all of us at the Unveiling the Scriptures team, we wish you a Jesus-filled Easter celebration.
Loads of love to you!
Wow wow I receive all that Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection gives unto me freely
Amen and Amen. Loads of love!