Jacob, I have always loved you. Could you not at least notice me? I have craved for you like a plant in the desert for water. You have loved me, but only as a sister. And now I am forcefully pushed to you because of your stubbornness. Why does it have to be this way? It is all your fault! Perhaps, Ishtar played her games using my father since you would not budge. Oh, Jacob! Oh, Rachael! I, Leah, will be the cause of your misery in a few hours. If this be what the gods want, so be it!



“You will do as I say!”

“But Father, he does not love me! I’d rather die than marry a man who does not love me!”

Laban looked at his first daughter coldly. What she lacked in beauty she had doubled for in wisdom and stubbornness. Leah could be fierce at times. He had seen her defend her sister several times from men. Even from him. She was too brave; and that was what he needed.

Laban, Cunning Laban. Like an old tortoise, his shell had hardened from swimming in his dirty pool.  He knew her weakness and he heaved his ever-potent arbalest. The same arsenal that made his would-be son-in-law slave for him for seven years. Like a cobra, his words struck like death.

“Foolish girl! Here I am, trying to save you from ridicule and shame. Who would marry you after your younger sister is gone?!”

He saw his words hit home and his heart beat with delight. He had gained 7 years of productive harvest and he was not about to relinquish his good fortune. If Jacob married Rachael, he would want to return at once to his parents and what would he have left? An unmarried daughter, his unruly sons and his plebeian shepherds. He knew Jacob was not just an ordinary man. He was of Abraham. Goodness flowed in his vein. He was blessed beyond doubt and his good luck had rubbed on him. Besides, he was still very youthful and energetic. What better way to enjoy your old age than to receive another 7 years from your own son-in-law?





He knew how madly Jacob was in love with Rachael and he was going to use it to his advantage. Only if Leah would cooperate. He saw the tears in her eyes and his eyes softened a bit. She had to be on his side.

“Leah, I am doing this in your best interest.” Another lie.

“I know you are in love with him.” She blushed and quickly gazed downwards.

He drew her closely and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I saw you several times. You would hide and secretly watch him work in the fields. You intentionally went to the well whenever he was drawing water. You wanted him to notice you.”


“Yes Leah. Yes. I feel your pain. I know how it feels to be lonely. You know, I miss your mother sometimes. She loved me despite my rigidity. But who would marry an old man like me now?”

“What if he finds out tonight? He would end up hating and not loving me at all!”

Good. She was beginning to succumb.

“No Leah. Don’t you know the ways of men? A man stays with a woman who satisfies him; with food and with children.”

She blushed again but she found her voice quickly this time. “What if I do not bear him children? What if I…”

“Hush dear. You worry too much. You mother bore me two daughters and seven sons. Fertility runs in our blood.”

“Oh, father. I am so afraid. Rachael will hate me for this! She will!” Laban was growing impatient. It was almost time for the feast.

“Rachael has always been naïve. Leave her to me. After all, she knows it is lawful by tradition. Leah, you are very wise. Tonight, cooperate with your husband. Let him not know it is you. When it is daylight, I will do the explaining myself.”

Leeaah!” Rachael’s voice jolted the duo.

“Go help your sister prepare for the wedding. And… keep the secret.”

The knot in her stomach grew tighter as she helped Rachael prepare for the wedding. Her wedding. Rachael had always been beautiful. Tonight, she was a goddess. Jacob would be charmed. Until…

“I miss mother. I wish she were here.”

“Me too.”

“You do not look well. Are you not happy for me?”

“Don’t be silly! Who else would I be happy for?” Bilhah came around and helped put finishing touches to her makeup and Leah seized the opportunity to escape.

She had to get dressed too. She would wear a similar dress to her sister’s. It was a part of the plan.

The feast began as the evening shadow started to cast. Leah had excused herself with the lie of a headache and thankfully, Rachael understood.

“She is so beautiful. She reminds me so much of your mother.” Zilpah’s voice floated to her ears as the traditional chants began softly. Rachael gracefully swayed her hips to the rhythm and the voices of the men went agog.

Leah’s heart beat wildly at the atrocity she was to commit tonight. She had prayed ceaselessly to the goddess Ishtar, to make Jacob fall in love with her. Oh Ishtar, is this how you would answer my prayers?

Perhaps, she should tell Zilpah.

“Zilpah…” she paused. The tremor of her voice caught her by surprise. The older woman nodded knowingly.

“I know Leah. Your father told me already. I would be your maid from tonight henceforth.” Leah cringed inwardly. She felt used. He obviously had been planning this for a long time. And she was his ally.

“Be strong, Leah.”

The older woman’s voice did nothing do ease her fears. She shuddered again as her sister’s laughter pierced her deeply. She knew it would end in tears tonight.

Jacob, I have always loved you. Could you not at least notice me? I have craved for you like a plant in the desert for water. You have loved me, but only as a sister. And now I am forcefully pushed to you because of your stubbornness. Why does it have to be this way? It is all your fault! Perhaps, Ishtar played her games using my father since you would not budge. Oh Jacob! Oh Rachael! I, Leah, will be the cause of your misery in a few hours. If this be what the gods want, so be it!

Watching the ceremony from a distance did nothing to stop the queasy feeling in her stomach. Jacob looked angelic in his groom gear. He had chosen to dress in a simple yet appropriate costume. Rachael was head over heels in love with him. Her eyes shone with pure delight as he poured the perfume on her head and circled her for the seventh time. Bilhah and the other women servants were there to usher her to the women quarters.

As soon as Rachael departed, Leah veiled herself. It was difficult at first to pretend. Clutching the veil tightly with sweaty palms, she realized that this time, she had a real migraine.

The swap was quick and immediate that one would hardly notice. Leah was already in the bride’s chambers. Jacob seemed not to be in a hurry as he jested with the other bachelors while they teased him to go meet his bride already. He was slightly drunk. She could tell from the way his speech slurred midway. Her heart beat wildly forming a dangerous rhythm of its own.

Oh Ishtar, favour me with a child for my husband that he may love me after conniving with my father to commit such great wickedness to him.

Her heart stopped when he came into the chambers. The musk scent of the lilies squashed on the wall mingled with his own body aroma. The flavour of it made Leah heady and she knew that she was not wrong to be a part of this beautiful conspiracy.

“Rachael my love, my love…”

Hearing her sister’s name nearly broke her heart but she understood the need to be brave for herself and posterity. She braced herself.

Rachael forgive me!

She was glad for the darkness the room casted. Jacob would barely make out her face. Until morning.

“Oh Rachael, my love…”

Jacob, my love…my love.

Her heart sang in response as he drunk in her sweetness, enraptured in her caress. As Jacob lowered her to the ground softly, Leah knew that she was not going to be in his arms for the night, But forever.


Have you ever felt used? Caught up in circumstances beyond your control? What happened to Leah next? Find out tomorrow!

Jemimah Oluwapelumi Amonahini is a Visionary Life Enthusiast, Educator, Entrepreneur and Writer. She is also the initiator of The WinTeen Faculty; A hub where she passionately commits to raising winning teenagers and youths. A graduate of Biological Sciences, Kogi State University, Anyigba, she has a strong flair for writing and publishing and was functional in the departmental/faculty editorial crew whilst at college. Additionally, she is a regular participant in debates, symposia and content creation.

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