Hello there!

Welcome to Unveiling the scriptures blog, its a great honour to have you here!

Unveiling the scriptures is a vision born out of a passion to raise a generation of word literate believers who will accurately wield the mysteries of the Kingdom to bring the manifestation of heaven on earth in our day and time. We are convinced that a synergy and partnership formed between teachers and the body of Christ will yield a bride without blemish unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are passionate about bridging the gap between students of the word of God and their teachers.

Isaiah 30:20.

The scripture above has been tremendously fulfilled in the last days. God has opened up a massive portal of increment in revelation knowledge in the body of Christ. This knowledge is supposed to be a heralding force preceding the awaited move of God in these last days.

When revelations of God’s word break forth, they make God’s power available tremendously.


Unveiling the scriptures blog is an offshoot of the agenda of God to bring his children into understanding for an accurate partnership with him in this day and time. The words of Isaiah 30:20 are being fulfilled the more through this blog. With just a tap on your mobile device, you will have access to life changing materials and teachings on the word of God that will bless you tremendously. Summarily, what we offer on this blog is to provide every reader of the Bible with services that will help you understand the scriptures better. When you need a study buddy in scriptures, don’t look too far, we’ll be your study buddy!

What can you expect from Unveiling the Scriptures?

Here are a few things you can always expect to get from our activities on this blog:

  •  Bible teachings: Here on this blog, teachings will be released based on scriptural concepts every believer should understand. We will do this systematically and with a carefully designed pattern aimed at your growth. As this is done consistently, we will help form a structure that will be accessible anytime for easy revision and will also be a blessing to the body of Christ.
  • Bible teachers: There will be periodic posts focusing on the lives of great teachers of the word in the body of Christ. Those who have gone to be with the Lord and those who are still alive, the popular and unpopular, the old and young. We will speak on the central theme of their message and how they impacted their generation. We will also refer you to their highly impactful materials and help you with getting them.
  • Bible Study plans: Study without study structure could be very unproductive and ineffective. That’s why we have volunteered to offer Bible plans for everyone studying the word of God. Different methods suite different individuals. We have got you covered with various Bible study plans that will meet your specific needs. Once you sign up for a plan, we’ll cheer you on to finish it and benefit from it maximally. It will definitely be a great experience!
  • Questions and Answers: Many questions run through the average believer’s mind. We believe that a critical aspect of growth and understanding is answering of questions. Here at unveiling the scriptures we will provide our readers with question and answer systems. When you do have any question as regarding the Bible, don’t hesitate to ask us. We will provide you with spirit inspired answers by the spirit of God.
  • Bible information and tips: We will be providing you with special tips and special information about the Bible and the various books in it that will help you understand your Bible better and have a peep into the authors mind while studying each book.

These and many more are the things you stand to gain by following this blog. As we continue to execute our vision through God’s help, we will help to build a strong network and community of believers that will sharpen themselves like iron sharpens iron. In this community, you will be opened up to more revelations of God’s word and your life will be changed tremendously.

We encourage you to follow us on all our social media platforms and subscribe to our mailing list so you can be notified as soon as there is a new post or development here. The revelations in God’s word are inexhaustible and life-changing. We are super excited to take this journey into God’s word with you.

This is such an awesome way to begin the year 2021! As we journey into the word of God, get ready to meet the God of the word!

Welcome to the realm of limitless possibilities!


Hello there! My name is Erioluwa. I love God and I love people too. I am the founder of this blog and I am extremely glad to have you here. I’m a believer who is very passionate about the body of Christ and her well-being. I love to teach God’s word to help people grow in the knowledge of God’s word. In order to do this more productively, I will be releasing edifying posts and teachings on this platform. I am assured that every post will strengthen your roots in God and help you grow even faster. I desire to offer myself in service to you and I’ll be glad to hear feedback on your questions, comments and testimonies. Loads of love to you! Shalom!


  1. Thank you so much, following your post will so much boost my knowledge and understanding of God’s word

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